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Logistics/Forwarding/EMKL Online
Is the process of managing the goods in terms of transport and storage of goods along with related information from the manufacturer or source providing to users or consumers effectively and efficiently. Logistics management is part of the supply chain (supply chain management) planning, implementing and controlling the effective and efficient flow and storage of goods and services and related information from the site of origin to the final location of consumers that aims to meet customer needs. Logistics system is an integrated interaction of the various sub-systems in logistics where there is a relationship between the roles, functions and sections are directed to achieve the overall goal.
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Courier Online
Business activities which handle all the shipping of goods or documents with online tracking system to enhance customer confidence.
This system is able to provide data information as document control on every Shipment Order. Supported by the online barcode system and location online will greatly facilitate the work of monitoring or tracing of data per barcode number
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Project / Contractor
Business activities are intended to take care of all services and goods procurement activities. This system is able to provide data information as document control against each JOB Order. MULTI CURRENCY equipped with features that allow the use of multiple currencies in a project. Budget module very flexible in defining the details of materials and services. Cashier module as an estuary off the flow of money either CASH or BANK already available, equipped with facilities Advances and Deposits. Financial accounting side, the user is free to determine the format of the approximate number / account / accounts will form a structure of the Chart of Accounts. In the end, the system is able to provide financial reports from the journal to the Balance Sheet
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Is a computerized payroll system saves on time and lowers your error ratio. You can enter payroll payment information quicker than with a manual system, and run payroll registers to double-check your information before printing the checks. This allows you to detect errors and adjust them beforehand. Additionally, computerized payrolls simplify tax processing and SPT by computing the data for you and allowing you to do bulk print runs.
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Is a system clearance agent. These systems are able to provide all data informations as a control for all JOB Shipments such as export and import Custom Clearance. Online systems bring efficiecny and cut cost.
However not all customers are happy as few believe that man touch is still needed in shipping business. A budget and Forecast are called Profit and Loss do not have to be a restrictive plan that forces you to deprive yourself of what you want. In fact, a budget and forecast should be a guide, not a constraint. A reasonable budget and forecast allows you to do what you want. It allows you to use your resources where they're most needed, so your business will head in the right direction. Creating a financial plan lets you control your business's cash flow instead of it controlling you.
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Organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get large orders from the manufacturer or producer to market or final point of distribution. Forwarders will contract with a carrier to facilitate the movement of goods. A forwarder is not typically a carrier, but is an expert in supply chain management. In other words, a freight forwarder is a "travel agent", for the cargo industry, or a third-party (non-asset-based) logistics provider.
International freight forwarders, have the expertise that allows them to prepare and process the documentation and perform related activities pertaining to international shipments. Some of the typical information reviewed by a freight forwarder is the commercial invoice, shipper's export declaration, BL, AWB and other documents required by the carrier or country of export, import, or transshipment. Much of this information is now processed in a paperless environment.
These systems are able to provide all data informations as a control for all JOB Shipments such as export and import Custom Clearance, and provide multi currency as agent need in other country. Online systems bring efficiecny and cut cost.
However not all customers are happy as few believe that man touch is still needed in shipping business. A budget and Forecast are called Profit and Loss do not have to be a restrictive plan that forces you to deprive yourself of what you want. In fact, a budget and forecast should be a guide, not a constraint. A reasonable budget and forecast allows you to do what you want. It allows you to use your resources where they're most needed, so your business will head in the right direction. Creating a financial plan lets you control your business's cash flow instead of it controlling you.
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Adalah proses pengelolaan barang dalam hal pemindahan dan penyimpanan barang beserta infomasi terkait dari produsen atau sumber pengadaaan kepada pengguna atau konsumen secara efektif dan efisien.
Manajemen logistik merupakan bagian dari rantai pasokan (supply chain management) yang merencanakan, melaksanakan dan mengendalikan secara efektif dan efisien aliran dan penyimpanan barang dan jasa serta informasi terkait dari lokasi asal ke lokasi akhir konsumen yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.
Sistem logistik merupakan interaksi yang terintegrasi dari berbagai sub sistem dalam bidang logistik dimana terjadi keterkaitan antar peran, fungsi dan bagian yang diarahkan untuk mencapai sasaran yang menyeluruh.
System ini mampu memberikan informasi data sebagai dokumen kontrol terhadap setiap JOB Shipment, yaitu Export maupun Import. Fitur MULTI CURRENCY yang memungkinkan pemakaian mata uang negara manapun yang memungkinkan keberadaan agency di negara terkait. Fungsi-fungsi budget ataupun forecast yang dalam system ini disebut Estimasi Profit & Loss sudah disediakan dalam system ini yang mampu memberikan informasi Estimasi pendapatan dan harga pokok untuk setiap JOB Shipment.
Modul kasir sebagai muara keluar masuknya uang baik itu CASH maupun BANK sudah tersedia, dilengkapi juga dengan fasilitas Uang Muka dan Jaminan.
Disisi Akuntansi keuangan, user bebas menentukan format nomor perkiraan/akun/account yang nantinya membentuk sebuah struktur Chart of Account. Pada akhirnya system mampu memberikan laporan-laporan keuangan mulai dari Jurnal sampai dengan Neraca
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Hotel & Resort
Adalah sistem informasi manajemen yang secara otomatis mengerjakan pemetaan data object kamar atau fasilitas yang lain apakah sudah di-booking atau belum untuk hari ini, besok atau bahkan beberapa hari/bulan kedepan. System ini terbukti sangat membantu pekerjaan bagian front office sebuah Hotel atau Resort.
Di bagian lain dalam system ini terdapat fitur produksi bahan makanan dan minuman (food & beverage).Modul kasir sebagai muara keluar masuknya uang baik itu CASH maupun BANK sudah tersedia, dilengkapi juga dengan fasilitas Uang Muka dan Jaminan.
Disisi Akuntansi keuangan, user bebas menentukan format nomor perkiraan/akun/account yang nantinya membentuk sebuah struktur Chart of Account. Pada akhirnya system mampu memberikan laporan-laporan keuangan mulai dari Jurnal sampai dengan Neraca baik secara rinci maupun levelMore & Screenshot...
Trading / Distribution
Is the mainstay of many business organizations. This will range from inventory management, sales quotation, order taking, order fulfillment, deliveries, procurement management, goods receipt and sale analysis. If even one portion of this cycle is compromised, it will affect the overall operations drastically.
For instance, if the inventory is not properly managed, it might result in late deliveries, inaccurate delivery schedules, which in turn reduce the client’s confidence in the company’s processes or late delivery penalties. A mismanaged inventory will also lead to overstocking and cost overruns.
iSolusi is designed to tighten the controls in all aspects of the distribution cycle to create an efficient workflow for the people in your organization and in the process create happy clients.
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Manufacture / Production
Is a Systems specializes in business management solutions for custom manufacturing, fabrication and construction environments to improve their ability to consistently manage expectations: profitability, productivity and communication. iSolusi software empowers business-critical functions such as estimating, scheduling, project management, business process management / workflow and optimization, job costing, production management, inventory, capacity management and planning, shop floor and field installation labor/material data collection. iSolusi integrates with existing, and leading software providers for financial accounting, optimization, payroll. iSolusi's innovative and proven parametric configuration engine provides leading benefits to engineering, estimating and manufacturing, throughout the entire manufacturing process. The advanced data exchange interface enables import/export of text files to spreadsheets as well as Chart Of Account compliant databases.
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Is the mainstay of many business organizations. This will range from inventory management, sales quotation, order taking, order fulfillment, deliveries, procurement management, goods receipt and sale analysis. If even one portion of this cycle is compromised, it will affect the overall operations drastically.
For instance, if the inventory is not properly managed, it might result in late deliveries, inaccurate delivery schedules, which in turn reduce the client’s confidence in the company’s processes or late delivery penalties. A mismanaged inventory will also lead to overstocking and cost overruns.
iSolusi is designed to tighten the controls in all aspects of the distribution cycle to create an efficient workflow for the people in your organization and in the process create happy clients.
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Adalah sistem informasi manajemen yang digunakan sebagai kontrol terhadap pendekatan penilaian dimana object yang akan dinilai disini adalah human /karyawan. Tahapan awal yang diproses system ini adalah dimulai dari saat seorang pelamar kerja telah melakukan test kompetensi dalam beberapa kategori, semisal psikotes, ujian tertulis untuk skill tertentu, interview, dll.
Pada dasarnya semua daftar kompetensi bisa di-custom dalam system ini sehingga membentuk sebuah struktur hirarki kompetensi, dengan dasar bahwa setiap manajemen mempunyai pola atau bentuk tersendiri yang berbeda dengan manajemen yang lain. Tingkat flexibilitas seperti inilah yang membuat system ini mampu untuk di-kondisikan sesuai kebutuhan manajemen dengan kata lain system ini mampu untuk mengerjakan proses-proses yang kompleks dan rumit untuk dikerjakan secara manualMore & Screenshot...
Tour & Travel Agent
Adalah sistem informasi manajemen "broker" dalam hal penyediaan tiket perjalanan pada umumnya atau wisata pada khususnya beserta akomodasi dan dokumentasinya. Sistem ini mampu memberikan informasi secara akurat mengenai rincian tagihan gantung (outstanding invoice) maupun sebaliknya yakni rincian biaya gantung (outstanding payment). Sistem ini sudah terintegrasi dengan program akuntansi yang didalamnya sudah mengakomodasi multi currency, IDR & USD.
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iSolusi offers you a wide selection of installed software and hosted time and attendance solutions offering a variety of options. Whatever your organization size, whatever your time recording needs, we have the solution for you.
iSolusi Attendance System is the need of the day. It ensures quick and accurate attendance recording with less paper work, improves scheduling, overtime and keeps track of the employee leave records. It Enhances Operational Efficiency and Reduces administrative work. For convenience and cost reduction the Attendance system can be configured as Access Control and combined with fingerprint devices.More & Screenshot...